Private Training

Private Training

Private workouts are available online for the most personalized workout programs.

Private training available on request:

During these personalized private lessons, you will get a practice that is developed for your specific needs.
These private, ballet-inspired workouts are accessible to everyone. ATTENTION focuses on your desires.
With this PACKAGE you will have access to 3-4 personalized video workouts per week and a personalized nutrition plan, all for a period of 4 weeks. 

Do you want to have access to this package?

  1. Send us an email on with what are your expectations from this package (eg weight loss, lengthening of muscle mass, toning of certain muscle groups, etc.).
  2. You will receive a payment link for the entire package (via email)
  3. After making the payment, in maximum 3 working days you will receive proposed trainings ( 3-4 per week ).

289 euro

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